Thursday, May 17, 2012

Taylor Swift Is The Nicest Person Of The Day

For the foreseeable future Taylor Swift gets a pass from me on any nefarious behavior or snarky comments.** She donated $4M to the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum which will fund music education and classes there. It is the second largest donation the place has ever received and the largest by an artist.

Artists always talk a big game and many of them will give support by volunteering time for a concert, but rarely do they step up and actually make a donation, let alone a jaw dropping $4M. That is some serious money. Oh, and the next time you see a star doing a volunteer concert, ask them this. All those shirts and CD's and other merchandise they are selling, are they donating that to the cause? Probably not.

Swift's education center will have its own exterior entrance and is 7,500 square feet-plus spread over two stories. It will include three classrooms and exhibit space and will allow the museum to add to its youth education programs. The new space will house interactive activities such as a musical petting zoo and a "wet" classroom space to make concert posters and other art projects. The expansion also would allow the museum to start new programs and workshops and for teens and senior citizens as well as continuing workshops.

** Said ban on snarky comments do not include any casting news which would have Taylor play any other musical legends or any casting which would require Taylor to utter more than five lines in a movie or television show where she is not playing herself. The ban does not also include any programs in which Taylor attempts to cook anything, eat anything, stumbles, trips, falls, or does anything else that would make the general population laugh. It also would not include any bad decisions on her part to date people she has dated in the past.


Pookie said...

'Taylor Swift Is The Nicest Person Of The Day'

^yes. yes she is.

teehee @ disclaimer.

RenoBlondee said...

Good for her. What a sweetheart!

strawberrygirl said...

T-swizzle has always been A+ in my book. Remember when she signed autographs for like 13 hours straight at an arena full of like 18,000 people? Girl deserves all the props in the world.

cheesegrater15 said...

That's really cool. I love stories like this.

hunter said...

...musical petting zoo?

NapAssasin said...

*or any time she makes that noxious, fake wide-eyed, open-mouth completely bullshit "you really like me!!" face. She is fair game with that nonsense, and honey, No One Believes You. We know you're gunning for best beard award but the acting during your performances sucks too. Stick to charity, making tweens happy and song writing.

RJ said...

I'm curious about a musical petting zoo, too. I wonder if that just means an area with lots of different instruments that people can touch, pick up, and try to play. That way a person could see if they have any affinity at all for an instrument before they sign up to take lessons. I've always wanted to hold a violin and see if I could get even one note out of it. Or a banjo.

Sounds great. I live close enough to Nashville that I will definitely check this out!

Frufra said...

@hunter - I think that refers to an experience set up so kids can have hands-on fun with musical instruments, not just look at them. Our local high school sets up a "petting zoo" for the elementary kids each year.

Agent**It said...

Enty , ** last paragraph is hilarious:)

lazyday603 said...

Camilla Belle would like to debate you on the 'nicest' description.

That is a very generous donation. Good for her.

goheels83 said...

I've always liked Taylor Swift. Seems like she has a good head on her shoulders.

chopchop said...

An evil musical petting zoo?

Another Josh said...

Talented, cute, and charitable. What's not to like?

Brenda L said...

Enty you might want to get that last paragraph notarized.

Char said...

I know she annoys people, but I don't care, I love her. I saw her in concert and she came right out into the crowd for AGES and she was hugging all the little girls. She probably made their year. A lot of her innocence stuff might be an act, but who cares? She's still making a lot of young girls extremely happy, and she's a heck of a better role model than pretty much every other celebrity her age.

Robert said...

Yeah, that's a helluva disclaimer! But, cover your butt!

timebob said...

It is hard to relate to someone who is so sugary sweet and lives life like a fairytale. But at least she lives up to her nice hype. Good music is dying in our country hopefully some real talent will emerge from this.

Good point on the merch Enty, I never thought of that before.

nancer said...

i don't get what's annoying about her. she's cute, she's young, she can write songs and she can sing, and most of all, she's good to her fans. so this doesn't surprise me. fan of taylor here---not in buying her music type fan, but as a human being, i like her.

Jennifer H. said...

Love the disclaimer!

jax said...

just wondering why it wasn't done anon like most people who donate large sums?

Agent**It said...

So she can fund raise for the additional monies needed to support the venture. She put her money where her mouth is , good for her.

AKM said...

Yes, this is very nice of her and she has always seemed like a decent kid. I STILL find her annoying as hell and not even very talented. Just my two cents.

BigMama said...

Openly laughed at the end. Kinda like this kid, she can't act and her music grates on my nerves, but that's only because I hate country music. haha

Lelaina Pierce said...

Good for her! Sounds like a really worthy way to donate her money (and later, probably time).

chopchop said...

@jax: My father-in-law used to donate anonymously as well. He then discovered that when attaching his name to the donation it "shamed" other local businessmen to match his donations. Think of it as "keeping up with the Joneses". It sounds tacky as hell but FIL feels as long as the charities are the ones winning in the end, he's all for it. Perhaps that is what Taylor is doing here?

Cancan said...

That is great of her. I hope she inspires her fellow artists to do the same.

Herb Alpert is another mega-philanthropist who has done a lot for upcoming artists.

Bleu said...

I rip Taylor all the time but she does a heck of lot of spreading of her wealth and donating and fundraising and it never gets publicity outside the Nashville area, where she is directly participating in the events. So someone picked up on it this time -- good for her for publicizing the need for bringing the arts back to education. Good for her for not just putting her name behind such an effort but funding it. Much better than Julia Roberts, who has testified before Congress wearing fake prop glasses (because fake prop glass make you look ... smart?) requesting taxpayers fork over $10 million for something Julia personally could have covered with less than one paycheck for one movie but did not.

Hazeldazel said...

as much as I am annoyed by Taylor trying be eternally 17 years old, and god! her acting... *shudder* ... She's actually very nice to her fans and does a lot of donating to good causes, sooo good for her. Just stop being so annoying okay?

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Whatever her faults (and we all have some...), Taylor has always struck me as being a genuinely decent person who's kind to her fans, and if I had a teenager daughter, I'd much rather she be a fan of Taylor's than of various others who shall go unnamed here.

(Now if we could just get her to stop straightening her hair...Curly Pride, damn it!)

nunaurbiz said...

LMAO on the disclaimer, Enty! MWAH!

Anonymous said...

Can. not. stand. her. Sorry.

MrWolf said...

@lazyday -

There's no such thing as a "nice girl." There are "evil girls" and "evil girls who are on my side."

And nothing about Camilla Belle suggests to me that she's such a helpless flower that she couldn't defend herself in a snarky bitchfest with elfy Taylor Swift.

Rose said...

This reminds me of the Curb episode where Larry and Ted Danson each donate a wing of some building. Ted does it anonymously, and Larry didn't know it was an option. Ted doesn't want anyone to know, but he tells just a couple of people, including Larry's wife. The benefit goes on and on thanking anonymous, with the wink/nod it's Ted, pissing off Larry.

astrogirl said...

I am just glad there are some wholesome type performers for the little girls of today to look up to and emulate.

ClaireFrasier said...

I just adore her. As for the "aw, shucks, you really like me"... Garth does it, too. I prefer to think of it as her being grateful for the honor, and recognizing that it is a gift (that people pay hard-earned money for her music). That she is damned lucky, and she realizes it. It's much better than the 'you owe me, you should be grateful that I'm here' attitude that I see in my co-workers. She doesn't believe that the world owes her. (or at least it seems that way).

And, yeah, sometimes her songs can be a little squee... I am not her target audience. I might have been years ago. But I would buy her music for the nieces.

I like it when people behave with

lilo723 said...

She annoys me, but I think it is wonderful what she has done!

mooshki said...

I love the disclaimer, Enty!

Beta said...

while her music is not my cup of tea, I do think she's a great talented musician and seems to be a great human being overall
(+ I love her fashion choices)
you go Swifty!! :)

Gabby said...

As much as people like to make fun of her reactions to winning things, she has always been a very sweet girl and was obviously brought up very well by her parents. She's a wonderful role model for little girls, and it's nice to see that she takes that role very seriously!


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